Jubilee Community Arts (JCA) is a regional, community cultural center dedicated to preserving and presenting the traditional arts of the Southern Appalachians. We began operating as an arts presenter in Knoxville in 1969 and received 501(c)3 status in 1980. The organization’s stated mission is to promote, preserve and present the performing arts of the Southern Appalachian region and to nurture the cultural milieu responsible for the birth and evolution of these and related art forms.
The Laurel Theater
The organization owns and operates the Laurel Theater, a 19th century converted church located in the Fort Sanders community of Knoxville. The building was extensively renovated in the 1980’s and houses an acoustically and visually excellent concert hall, a secondary display and performance space, an archives of sound recordings, audio production facilities, and the organization’s offices.
About half the money we need comes from ticket sales, service contracts and other earned income. We regularly receive major financial support from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Tennessee Arts Commission, the East Tennessee Foundation and the Arts and Culture Alliance of Greater Knoxville. We are also a member of and receive support from Community Shares. Other supporters include the City of Knoxville, and Knox County. Our major media partners are WUOT and WDVX.

Support Jubilee Community Arts and arts in Tennessee with a Specialty Arts Plate. Fees from the Tennessee Specialty Licence Plate program directly support Tennessee Arts Commission grant funding.