For more information about affiliate events contact the hosting organization.
English Country Dance

Sundays at 8 PM, held by Knoxville English Dance. 17th-18th Century Social Dancing with live music. This is a performance group and newcomers are welcome. Also Sword dance and Morris dance teams.
Contra Dance

Mondays at 8 PM, held by the Knoxville Contra Dancers with live acoustic music.
Scandinavian Dance

Tuesdays at 7:30, held by the Trollkretsen Scandinavian Dancers. Dances include polskor, schottische, waltzes and more, with instruction provided and no partner required.
Swing Dance

Wednesdays, with lessons at 7:00 and dance at 8, held by the Knoxville Swing Dance Association. Social dance with no partner or experience required.
Musician Therapeutic Group Jam

First Thursdays, open jam and discussion group.
Old Time Jam (JCA Event)

Second Thursdays, open old time jam.
Knoxville Square Dance (JCA Event)

Fourth Thursdays, traditional Appalachian square dance. Dances are taught as they are called and no partner required. $10, $5 for JCA members, students, and seniors.